support the festival
Let’s live the adventure together!
Becoming a partner of the festival means sharing the values of openness, professionalism, respect and sharing, it means building a history around common values
A combination of images
openness – commitment – respect
Becoming a partner of What A Trip! is to associate the image of your brand or company with that of a young festival. It is also about associating your image with a dynamic festival, conveying strong values of sharing, exchange, and openness of mind.
Becoming a partner also means being present before and during the festival through various communication activation devices!
What investment?
Several levels of partnership are proposed to you, integrating media and media partnership activations in advance of the festival but also during What A Trip Montpellier!
What impact?
With a 4-week media plan, you can benefit from important regional and national media and media spillovers: TV spots, radio campaigns, urban signage, web marketing, etc.
Tailor-made activations
and tailored to your strategy
We adapt our partnerships to each of our partners and to the specificities of their communication strategy. There are as many partnership activation operations as partner companies: visibility, hospitals, street marketing, stand on. Travel events, digital activations … are all possibilities that can be combined to make the partnership as effective as possible.
Your contact
Romain Tarrusson
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