support the actions of the association
Transmission – opening & sharing
Support the actions of the festival in favor of a better opening and understanding of the world, of the stakes related to the preservation of the environment and education to the image.
The guardian angels of the festival
Patronage, the other way. to support our actions!
Declared of public utility, the association has created its Patrons Club in order to distinguish the companies and individuals who have contributed in a philanthropic way to the festival.
The sponsors
of the association
Become a sponsor
Why the patronage?
To associate the name of your company with that of a festival with strong values while benefiting fromtax advantages(tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation, within the limit of 0.5% of the annual turnover) and thus to be able to post your taxes.
Commitment, respect, openness
To be a patron of our association, it is above all to share the fundamental values, true foundation of identity that gives What A Trip! its peculiar character. Patronage is above all a moral commitment between your structure and our association, a commitment that will allow us to develop our actions for school and public in difficulty throughout the year. Sponsorship allows us to sustain our actions to make access to culture possible for all!
How to become a patron?
Becoming a sponsor is often associated with a financial donation, but this donation can also be in the form of a physical or in-kind donation, or by making your skills available.
You can make a donation by filling out the form available below.
Your contact
Romain Tarrusson
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