The association
What a Trip ! it’s a great family !
The association
The organizing structure of the festival
What A Trip ! Festival Montpellier is above all a story of passionate people who have decided to share and live their passion for travel, adventure, discovery and human relations. With a team of 10 founders, the AFIVAM association has structured itself and managed to surround itself with a team of over-motivated volunteers.
The Association
The Association for the International Festival of Travel and Adventure, based in Montpellier, was created in 2016.
declared of public utility
After one year of activity, the association has been declared of public interest through its cultural and educational activities.
The Board of Directors and the Board
Constitution of the Board of Directors
- Romain Tarrusson
- Valérie Paduano
- Laure Gelmini
- Alain Meissonnier
- Alain Fleury
- David Meki
- Sophie Duteil Deyries
- Solen Le Roux
- Olivia Roussel
- Catherine Aubert
- Valérie Gastine
- Laëtitia Cantarel
constitution of the Bureau
- Romain Tarrusson – Président
- Laure Gelmini – Vice-Président
- David Melki – treasurer
- Catherine Aubert – Vice-treasurer
- Olivia Roussel – Secretary
- Valérie Paduano – vice-Secretary
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